Cool Resources for Learning German

Here are some links to sites I recommend for young children to learn German.

Foundation to Year 2

Deutsch mit Socke
Short funny videos (only in German but no knowledge needed)

Die Bienenretter - A free app from DW

Felix und Franzi - short videos with German and some English starring Felix the frog and Franzi the duck.

Andrea Thionville - this person has created many great animated videos and songs on a variety of topics.

Lichterkinder - wonderful songs to sing and dance to

Der Maus (The Mouse) - this is a long running kids TV show in Germany. This is the website of the TV show - Die Seite mit der Maus. It has videos, games and activities.

Fairytales - Deine Marchenwelt

Years 3-6

Kinder Universitȁt

Germany facts: National Geographic for Kids

The German Project - stories and beginner lessons

Simple Science Experiments

Languages Online UK 
