Die Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt
New Topic: Food (Essen) Learning Outcome: Learn about some foods from German speaking countries
Success Criteria: I can say the name of some German foods and describe what they look like.Please watch this video about how pretzels (Brezeln) are made.
Body Parts ( die Körperteile)
Look at the picture below and watch the videos to help with the pronunciation.
die Zȁhne - the teeth
der Hals - the neck
die Schulter- the shoulder
die Hűften- the hips
Video 1: Der Koeperteil Blues ( official dance video) 2 min 30 secs
Video 2: this is the English version of the same song. 2 mins 30 secs
Video 3: Kopf, Schulter, Knie und Fuß (Heads, shoulders, knees and toes) 2 min 30 secs.
Video 4: This video goes for 40 minutes. I don't suggest that it is watched in one sitting. The section on body parts goes for 15 minutes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQbDvS8Pdd0 40 minutes
Topic: Pets ( Haustiere)
The word pet in German is made up of two words
Haus= house
Tier= animal
so the word for pets is Haustiere ( pronounced house - teera )
die Katze = the cat
der Hund = the dog
das Meerschweinchen = the guinea pig
das Kaninchen/ der Hase = the rabbit/ the hare
das Pferd = the horse
der Vogel/ der Wellensittich = the bird/ the budgie
der Fisch = the fish
die Eidechse = the lizard
die Schildkrӧte = the turtle
Watch the videos below for the pronunciation of these words
Topic: Family
This week's topic is Familie - Family
We are learning the various names for
the father - der Vater, Vati, Papa
the mother- die Mutter, Mutti, Mama
the brother- der Bruder
the sister - die Schwester
the baby- das Baby
the grandpa- der Opa
the grandma- die Oma
Here is a song about a family of mice
Baby Shark in German
This is the song we have been learning in Prep German. It is called 'Hello to all the children of the world!' and looks at different languages and the flags of different countries.
Here is another version of the same song.
Deutsch mit Socke - Folge 1- Wie heißt du?
Wir haben Hunger! We are hungry
Here is a link to the funny song we looked at this week in German!
Ich putze meine Zӓhne / I clean my teeth
After eating Frühstück we usually clean our teeth. Watch the funny videos below about Esther and her sock puppet friend, Socke. Socke wants to use a Zahnbürste (toothbrush) too even though he hasn't got any teeth.
Esthers Zahnbürste ist rosa.
Sockes Zahnbürste ist lila.
What colour is your Zahnbürste?
Deutsch mit Socke Episode 1 - Wie heisst du? (What's your name?)
Deutsch mit Socke Episode 2 - Wie alt bist du? ( How old are you?)
Deutsch mit Socke Episode 3- Ich putze meine Zӓhne ( I clean my teeth)
Felix und Franzi are eating breakfast. The word for breakfast in German is Frühstück. It is made up of two smaller words.
Früh = early + Stück = a piece or slice of something.
In Germany, Brezeln ( pretzels) are often eaten for breakfast or morning tea. Here is a video showing how they are made.
Do you like cooking? Here is a funny song about a family that cooks some interesting meals! 'Guten Appetit' is what you say before you eat!
Felix and Franzi are making fruit salad!
Learn how to say the names of some fruits in German.
( Just watch the first 2 mins)
Here is a fun song to watch!
Here is a video of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly (2.30 min)
How to make a Butterfly Symmetry Painting ( 1.30 min)
Do you love Eric Carle? Take a look at his official website. He has some great downloads and activities.
Die kleine hungrige Raupe ( The Very Hungry Caterpiller)
Here is the story in English ( 6 minutes)
Here is the story in German ( 6 minutes)
Counting to 10 in German
Languages online
Numbers song
Baby Shark and other videos.
Enjoy this collection of animated songs
Week 7 Term 2
This week's topic is Familie - Family
We learnt the various names for
the father - der Vater, Vati, Papa
the mother- die Mutter, Mutti, Mama
the brother- der Bruder
the sister - die Schwester
the baby- das Baby
Here is a song about a family of mice
And who can resist Baby Shark in German.!
Task 1: Watch the videos from the last few weeks to practice your Farben (colours) in German and colour in your own Regenbogen (rainbow). To find the videos just scroll down.
Here is a song about colours
Here is also a new Felix and Franzi video for you to enjoy. Felix and Franzi are missing you and looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
Task 1: Watch the videos from the last few weeks to practice your Farben (colours) in German and colour in your own Regenbogen (rainbow). To find the videos just scroll down.
Here is also a new Felix and Franzi video for you to enjoy. Felix and Franzi are missing you and looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
photograph: Felicity Woodward 2016 |
Do you know what this animal is?
It is an Eichhörnchen ( pronounced eye-sh- hern- shen).
In English it is
called a squirrel. In Europe they have a lot of red squirrels that collect nuts in
Herbst (Autumn) to store away for the winter.
Here is a little video to watch about red squirrels in Scotland.
We often find these Farben (colours) in Herbst (autumn)
Here is a video to help you revise all your colours in German. Don't forget to watch the Felix and Franzi video again from last week. Just scroll down to find it and all the other videos.
Hallo und wie geht's? Franzi is asking Felix how he is. He is Wunderbar (wonderful). This is pronounced like 'Voonderbar' with the 'oo' making a short sound like in 'book'.
Felix und Franzi - Band 1, Kapital 4- Das Gemȁlde ( The painting). Revise your colours.
Felix und Franzi, Band 1, Kapitel 3 - Besuch aus Deutschland (visitors from
Learn German: ANIMALS (What's
missing game)
Task 1: How do we introduce ourselves in German?
Watch the videoFelix und Franzi, Band 1, Kapitel 1- Hallo (2.15 minutes)
The more times you watch a video, the more you will remember and learn. Repeat everything you can!
Hallo, Ich bin Felix. (Hello, I am Felix)
Hallo, Ich bin Franzi. (Hello, I am Franzi)
Hallo, Ich bin Frau Woodward. (Hello, I am Mrs, Woodward)
Now it’s
your turn! Introduce yourself and get your toys to introduce themselves too!
Task 2 : How do we greet each other in German?
Watch the video
Bumblebee German for Children - Hello and Goodbye (1.45 minutes) to learn how to pronounce the words.
Guten Tag..................Good Day
Guten Morgen..........Good Morning
Guten Abend............Good Evening
Gute Nacht................Good Night
Auf Wiedersehen......Goodbye (formal)
Tschüss......................Bye! (informal)
Watch the next episode of Felix und Franzi
Felix und
Franzi, Band 1, Kapital 2 – Wie geht es Dir? (2.15 minutes)
And here
is a fun dance video to get you moving!
Rumba, Cha Cha Cha - Lichterkinder (2.00 minutes)