
How are Gummibears made? ( 6 minutes)

The Gummibȁr Song

Erdbeeren wachsen


Topic: Formen (Shapes)

das Quadrat = square
der Kreis = circle
das Rechteck = rectangle
das Sechseck = hexagon
das Dreieck= triangle
das Herz = heart
der Stern = star
die Blume = flower

Video 1: Shapes ( 2 mins)

Video 2: Shapes ( 7 mins)

Video 3 : Shapes ( 7 mins)

Video 4: Shapes Rollercoaster ( 9 minutes)

Deutsches Alphabet

Zahlen 1-20
Do you know the numbers to 10 in German?
Here is a song to help you!

Do you know the numbers to 20 in German? 
Here is a song to help you!

Märchen- Fairy Tales

A short video about the Brothers Grimm

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
What 4 animals can you see?

The Bremen Town Musicians

Thema: Tiere: Die Kleine Küken Piept (Original)

Die Rache ( the revenge)
                                 Lyric animal version


Welcome back to school! Willkommen in der Schule! This term our theme is Bienen- Bees!

Guck mal diese Biene da

Summ, Summ, Summ, Bienen summ herum

Find out more about real bees at 
There are lots of links to videos including the Maya the Bee movie.
Bienen oder Wespen? Bees or wasps? Do you know the difference?

Some student have been asking for the link to the Gartenzwerg Game again! here is is!
To start the game, press the spacebar on your keyboard to get the catapult moving, then press a second time to launch the gnome.

Advent is the time leading up to Christmas.

The story below shows what happens at one house in the lead up to Christmas. Do you have an Advent Calendar? What Christmas traditions do you have at your house?

Enjoy this video from Marco und die Elfenband ' Winterlied' (4 mins)

Made in Germany 

Learning Intention: To learn about car brands that come from Germany. 

Success Criteria: Students can identify the 5 major car brands that come from Germany.


Did you know the first car was made in Germany in 1885 by Karl Benz? The German word for car is Auto ( pronounced Ow-toe). There is no speed limit on some of the freeways in Germany which means you can drive as fast as you like. That’s why fast cars are very popular. A freeway in Germany is called an Autobahn.

Lots of famous car brands are made in Germany. Here are the most famous ones with their logos. Look out for them when you are driving around in the car with your family.

1. Audi - founded in 1932 in Zwichau, Germany. Their headquarters are now in Ingolstadt. 

2. Volkswagen - founded in 1937 in Berlin, Germany. Their headquarters are now in Wolfsburg.

3.Porsche- founded in 1931 in Stuttgart, Germany. Their headquarters are still in Stuttgart.

4. BMW-  founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany. Their headquarters are still in Munich.

5. Mercedes-Benz - founded in 1926 in Stuttgart, Germany. Their headquarters are still in Stuttgart. 

Can you find the symbols on the map of German companies below? 

Driving on the Autobahn. This short video gives you an idea of what it is like and why you must be very careful driving at high speeds.

For those who are interested in the car logos, here is a short video. There are some different car brands in here that you won't find in Australia.

What did the first cars look like? Here is a video showing Germany' s oldest street legal car.

Learning Intention: To learn that there are many castles in Germany. 

Success Criteria: Students can say and use the words 'Schloss' and 'Burg' to identify different types of castles.

Schloss und Burg

There are more than 12,000 castles in Germany. Some are still standing and some are in ruins. Some are hundreds of years old whilst some are quite new. The word for castle is Burg. The one above is called Burg Eltz. You can visit lots of the castles. You can even stay in some of them. There are also lots of grand houses and palaces in Germany. The word for palace is Schloss.  This website shows you some pictures of ten of the most beautiful castles in Germany.

Here is a video showing some of the beautiful castles in Europe.

Are you interested to learn a bit more about castles? Here is a Mini Guide to Medieval Castles for you to watch. Have fun making your castle!

Learning Intention: To learn about the Schwebebahn in Wuppertal, Germany.

Success Criteria: Students can discuss why Tuffi the elephant jumped from the Schwebebahn and draw their version of events.

Schwebebahn/suspension railway


In 1901, the first suspension railway opened in the German city of Wuppertal. It hangs over the river and the track is 13 kilometres long. It is still running today and is one of the most fun things to do in Wuppertal. Would you like to ride on it?

Here is a video of the Schwebebahn to watch.

A true story

In 1950, a young circus elephant called ‘Tuffi’ was put onto the Schwebebahn to advertise the circus. The elephant got really scared and jumped out of the window of the train carriage. It fell 12 metres into the river below. Luckily, the elephant was not hurt. Although there is a photo of Tuffi coming out of the river, no- one got a photo of her jumping out of the train. 

Task: Draw a picture of Tuffi jumping out of the Schwebebahn and into the river below. I would love to see your picture so please email it to me at

Learning Intention: To learn how Gummibears are made. 

Success Criteria: Students can identify the colours and flavours of the Gummibears in German.


Here is a video showing how Gummibȁrchen are made. ( 6 minutes) . As well as the colours and flavours the main ingredients are water, sugar, glucose syrup and gelatin.

Here is a link to the Haribo factory where you can look at all the different products. Which of these products would you find in a supermarket in Australia?

With this game you can choose a Haribo lolly to suit your taste.

In this video a girl visits the factory shop in Bonn (2 minutes). Do you think it would be fun to visit here? What would you buy?

Here is some fun counting practice - Counting with Gummibȁrchen

And just for a bit of fun - the Gummibȁrchen Song!

Gartenzwerge/ Garden gnomes

Here is a video showing how Garden Gnomes are made in the factory in Germany. (4.20 minutes)

Here is a fun game to play! To start the game, press the spacebar on your keyboard to get the catapult moving, then press a second time to launch the gnome.

Kuckucksuhren/ Cuckoo Clocks

Enjoy this song about all different types of clocks

Cuckoo clocks are found all over the world.( 1 minute)

Watch this video about how cuckoo clocks are made.

Die Monate The Months of the Year

Here is a video to help you learn the months of the year. 

Die Wochentage The Days of the Week

Do you know the names of the week in German?  The word for ‘day’ is ‘Tag’ in German so most of the words end in ‘tag’ except for Mittwoch which means middle of the week. Week is Woche in German. Have a go at saying them!

Monday           Montag (pronounced Mon- targ)

Tuesday          Dienstag (pronounced Dean’s targ)

Wednesday     Mittwoch (pronounced Mit- vock)

Thursday         Donnerstag (pronounced Donna’s targ)

Friday              Freitag (pronounced Fry–targ)

Saturday          Samstag (pronounced Sam’s targ)

Sunday            Sonntag (pronounced Sonn – targ)

Here is a video to help you say them

Wie ist das Wetter? How is the weather?

 Here is a video about Das Wetter (the weather)
And don't forget to go the the following website for some fun activities 
Whatever the Weather – language activities and games

Here is a cute song about rain called 'Es regnet'

Are you having trouble getting the videos to work?

Open them up in another web browser other than Google Chrome such as Explorer or Microsoft Edge.

Week 5 Term 2
Photo: Felicity Woodward April 2020

Do you think Eichhőrnchen (Squirrels) are adorable? here is a little video about squirrels in Scotland for you to enjoy. Aren't they clever the way they move around from tree to tree? Now I can see why we have an animal in Australia called a squirrel glider!

Week 4 Term 2

Photo: Felicity Woodward May 2016
Es ist Herbst in Australien! It is Autumn in Australia!
Es ist Frȕhling in Deutschland! It is Springtime in Germany!

Isn't it funny that the seasons are opposite? This is because Germany is in the Northern Hemisphere and Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. 
One of the cutest animals to be seen in Hersbt in Germany is the Red Squirrel. The name is a bit tricky to say in German but please give it a go!
das Eichhőrnchen (pronounced like  'eye- sh- hern- chen')

If you would like to see more squirrels then have a look at the link below.
This page is from Lingo- Das Mit-Mach-Web and if you click on the headphones, it will read you the text. 

Whatever the Weather – language activities and games

and here is a little video about Herbst. I hope you enjoy it and have a great week. 

Week 3 Term 2

As the weather gets colder our new topic is going to be Das Wetter (the weather) and Die Jahreszeiten (the seasons). This week’s activity involves sorting some pictures into the different seasons. You will find the pictures in this week's learning pack.

The seasons in German are ;

Autumn…  Herbst (pronounced like Hair + bst)
Winter…    Winter ( pronounced like Vinter) The letter ‘W’ is always pronounced like a ‘V’
Spring……Frühling (pronounced like Froo + ling) Ü is just a short way of writing ‘UE’
Summer…Sommer (pronounced like Zomm + er) The ‘S’ sounds more like a ‘Z’

Watch the video and listen out for the seasons. Can you work out what is happening from the pictures?

Here is a lovely song about the seasons. 

Task 2: Did you make a sock puppet yet? If not, try to make one. If you have, play with your puppet and practice your German!

Do you love Socke?
Here are all the Socke videos in one place
Deutsch mit Socke

Task 2: Watch episode 3 and 4 of  Deutsch mit Socke and play with your sock puppet.

Folge 3: Zähne putzen ( teeth cleaning) (1.54 minutes)

Folge 4: Was ist das? (What is that?) ( 2.14 minutes)